2023-06-09 发布: 点击:229次
Fig. 1. Study area showing the elevations, distribution of hydro-meteorological stations, large-medium reservoirs in the Daling River Basin (a), the map of lithology (b), slope gradient (c), annual average NDVI from 1982 to 2015 (d), and vegetation types (d). The Daling River basin is divided into SWP, CY, and YX regions from upstream to downstream by the boundary lines which are drawn according to the control area of hydrology stations and the flow directions of tributaries.
Fig. 2. Temporal variations for annual sediment flux (Qs), runoff (Q), and precipitation (P) in the DRB and its subregions.
Fig. 3. Contributions of precipitation (P), vegetation coverage (NDVI), and reservoirs (UF) to sediment flux variations in the DRB and its subregions by the PDA method. DRB2 is the result obtained by the multiple double mass curves.
上述研究成果发表在中科院top期刊《CATENA》上:Sun, Zhu, Hu et al., (2022). Quantitatively distinguishing the factors driving sediment flux variations in the Daling River Basin, North China. CATENA. 212: 106094 (IF=6.367, 中科院top期刊).